Sunday, September 26, 2010

"The Metaphor" - Budge Wilson

Budge Wilson was born in Halifax, and attended the Dallhousie university of Toronto. She worked as a commercial artist and photographer, then became a write later in life. Since 1984 she has published 32 books, in 20 foreign editions in USA, Norway, Sweeden, finland, Denmark, Romania, Germany, Italy, Greece, and Australia.  In 2004 she was made a member of the Order of Canada.


To wear your heart on your sleve is to hide no emotions.

1. Q- Is charlotte right in blaming herself for Miss Hancock's death? Would being more friendly to Miss Hancock at senior high have made any difference.
A- In my it all depends on time. If Charlotte would have been friendly and striked up a conversation with Miss Hancock then in the time that they were talking, the bus would have passed, and she wouldn't have been there to cross the street and be hit by it. And if time didn't make the difference and she still got hit by the bus then maybe charlotte wouldn't feel as if it was her fault cause she would have had a nice conversation and there was nothing she could do about it.You never want someone to die when the last thing you remember about them is being ungreatful.

2. Q-  What recomendations would you make to a teacher moving from junior high to senior high?
A- Highschool teenagers are way different than junior high students, in all aspects. When moving to a higher grade teaching position, you need to take into consideration that even though we are older, we still like to have fun and make learning barable. Just because we are older doesnt mean we will understand things straight away either, sometimes we need the extra push to get gong on our studies. Everyone needs help once n a while.

3. Q- Describe two people that have influenced you significantly during your years at school, using metaphors or similes.
A-  Shanaya is jesus. She brightens my skies, when a thunderstorm is near.
A- Cheyenne is a clown. She jumps, hollers, pulls funny faces, and she never dissapoints me with a smile.
A- Taylor is like helium. She makes me laugh when she is near, she makes me smile, and have a good time. Everytime she is around we laugh and laugh, goofing around and being silly.
4. Q- What do you think the authors main purpose for witing the story?
A- I think the purpose of the story was to make the people that read it realize that certain people can influence your life in the smallest ways. It could be no more than a teacher teaching you how to write metaphors, but you may realize that they impact your life trumendously.

1. Why do you think the author wrote the text
- I think the author wrote the text to make us realize how certain people influence our lives.

2. What does the author want you to think?
- I think the author wants you to think about if it was possible to stop Miss Hancock from being hit by the bus in the end. Could Charlotte have saved her? if Charlotte had talked to Miss Hancock would she had changed the part of the road she walked across? Fait has a way of showing up anywhere.

3. Do you belong to any of the groups in the text?
- Yes. I love to write. I keep journals and when ever i feel the need to get my feelings out that i cannot say out loud to anyone, i write down my words in books. I write poems, songs, or jsut stories, and it makes me feel better. I would be apart of the writing group.

4. Does the story remind you of a real life event?
-Yes. This one girl and I used to be best friends. Then she became a druggy, drinker, and she was jsut a different person. She would flip out on me, and call me names over facebook and internet and then she got hit by a car, one night  when she was drunk out of her mind. She walked out onot the street without looknig and was hit.

5. Does the story remind you of another book or movie on a similar topic
-  it remind me of "Mean Girls". This is a story when a group of girls, The plastic's,  makes another girl's life miserable. She tries to act like hem just to fit in, so she can destroy The Plastics. They find out and then the main Plastic gets hit by a bus. She doesn't die but after she recovers she becomes a better person.

6. How does the story help you think about social issues and social justice?
- This story teaches you to be kind to all human beings. Because you never know who is going to get hit by a bus

7. What action might you take from what you have learned?
- I would think about what i say to people cause if something happens to a person, you don't want the last thing you said to that person to be something hateful.

8. What big question has this text left you with?
- Could she have changed what happened.

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